Breville VST041 Black,Stainless Steel Sandwich Maker TMO34_Y6778

$56.99  $42.46

Product details:

Also check our best rated Sandwich Toaster reviews The Breville deep fill sandwich toaster is Brevilles deep fill sandwich toaster and celebrates the history of the nations favourite, whilst looking to the future with features and high performance. The improved design browns toasties more evenly and helps to prevent fillings leaking. Deep fill toasties will soon be your favourite snack. Toasties can offer healthy, homemade food. Theyre suitable for anyone on a tight budget or without the time to spend hours slaving over a hot stove. Using handy ingredients, a delicious toasted sandwich can be prepared and enjoyed in just minutes. With this sandwich toaster, youll enjoy quick, easy and endless treat options from sweet to savoury. Its for a light lunch or quick snack.